The Carbon Corner - Issue #85

In this week's focus on carbon capture and sequestration technologies, we explore groundbreaking developments that are setting new benchmarks in the fight against climate change. From Microsoft's substantial biomass carbon capture initiative in Sweden to CGG and Baker Hughes' collaborative exploration of carbon storage solutions, and Climeworks' launch of the world's largest direct air capture facility in Iceland, each story highlights innovative strides toward substantial CO2 reduction. Additionally, we delve into Deuna Zement's significant investment in pioneering carbon capture

Join us as we delve into the stories that are shaping the future of carbon capture!

Microsoft's Bold Move: A Mega Deal with Stockholm Exergi for Carbon Capture at Biomass Plant

Microsoft has embarked on a major initiative by partnering with Stockholm Exergi to capture 3.33 million metric tons of carbon emissions from a biomass power plant in Sweden. This venture is significant as it represents one of the largest commitments to carbon capture from biomass and is projected to have the environmental impact equivalent to removing nearly 800,000 gas-powered cars from the roads annually. The goal is to help Microsoft achieve net-negative carbon emissions by 2030, and ultimately remove all its historical carbon emissions by 2050.

However, the strategy of using wood-burning power plants for carbon capture has sparked debate among environmentalists and scientists. Critics, including major environmental organizations and hundreds of scientists, argue that biomass energy may not be a sustainable or effective solution, pointing out that it could lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions due to factors like deforestation and the inefficiencies of current carbon capture technologies. Despite these concerns, Stockholm Exergi's initiative, backed by Microsoft, aims to employ advanced carbon capture technology at their wood pellet and residue-powered plant to potentially reach negative emissions—a state where more carbon is removed from the atmosphere than emitted.

The implementation of this technology is slated to begin next year, contingent on further financial support.

CGG and Baker Hughes Forge Alliance to Accelerate Carbon Capture and Storage Solutions

CGG and Baker Hughes, a notable energy technology company, have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, announced at the 2024 Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. This strategic alliance is set to explore and develop integrated carbon capture and storage (CCS) solutions, marking a significant step in addressing the global increase in CCS projects. The collaboration aims to provide comprehensive solutions that include screening, selecting, characterizing, and monitoring potential carbon storage sites globally.

Peter Whiting, EVP of Geoscience at CGG, emphasized the shared commitment of both companies to bolster low-carbon markets through innovative technologies and enhanced business capabilities in CCS. The CCS market is burgeoning and is increasingly recognized as crucial for mitigating CO2 emissions effectively. By leveraging the combined expertise and complementary technologies of CGG and Baker Hughes, the alliance promises to offer operators more efficient and cost-effective CCS solutions, addressing both technical and economic challenges across the entire value chain, from strategic planning to the construction and lifetime monitoring of CO2 storage sites. Ahmed Eldemerdash, Vice President of Oilfield Services and Equipment, New Energies at Baker Hughes, highlighted that this partnership would utilize fully complementary skillsets, providing unmatched support in the CCS sector.

Mammoth Milestone: Climeworks Launches World's Largest Direct Air Capture Facility in Iceland

Climeworks has officially launched the Mammoth plant in Iceland, currently the largest facility dedicated to direct air capture and storage (DAC+S) globally, boasting a capacity to capture 36,000 tons of CO2 annually. Powered by the renewable energy of the Hellisheidi geothermal power plant, this facility is a significant expansion, being ten times larger than its predecessor, Orca, which was the first of its kind at industrial scale launched in 2021. The operation of Mammoth not only marks an advancement in Climeworks' technology but also a strategic step towards their goal of reaching megaton carbon removal capacity by 2030 and gigaton scale by 2050.

Mammoth has started capturing CO2 with twelve of its 72 collector containers already operational. The captured CO2 is then permanently transformed into stone via a natural reaction with basaltic rock, a process verified and certified by independent third parties. This facility is built on Climeworks’ seven years of field experience, aiming to enhance plant performance and efficiency significantly.

Deuna Zement Sets Industry Benchmark with €350M Investment in Carbon Capture Technology

Buzzi Unicem's subsidiary, Deuna Zement, is set to revolutionize the cement industry by investing €350 million in a groundbreaking carbon capture system at its plant in Deuna, Germany. After conducting two comprehensive feasibility studies, the company plans to implement a system capable of capturing 620,000 tons of CO2 annually, positioning the Deuna plant to achieve carbon neutrality by 2029. This ambitious project underscores Buzzi Unicem's commitment to pioneering decarbonization efforts in the cement sector.

The carbon capture initiative is not only a significant technological advancement but also aligns with environmental considerations, promising to operate efficiently and responsibly. By applying for government funding, Deuna Zement aims to secure the necessary support to bring this innovative technology to fruition. Once operational, this system will mark a major milestone in reducing the environmental impact of cement production, setting a new standard for the industry in sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Schaper Energy Consulting is a professional engineering firm offering carbon strategy services to CCS site developers. Check out some examples of our projects here:

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We hope you enjoyed reading this week and hope to see you back next week for more!

Schaper Energy Consulting

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