The Carbon Corner - Issue #31

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Carbon TerraVault Announces Two New Carbon Dioxide Storage Projects

TerraVault, a carbon storage startup founded in 2020 has announced two new carbon storage projects, one in Texas and the other in Utah. The projects aim to store more than 20 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually by injecting the gas deep underground. The Texas project will store carbon dioxide from two natural gas processing plants owned by Exxon Mobil and Plains All American Pipeline, while the Utah project will store carbon dioxide captured from a natural gas processing plant owned by Summit Carbon Solutions.

TerraVault plans to use enhanced oil recovery (EOR) to store the carbon dioxide. This process involves injecting carbon dioxide into oil fields, which can help to increase the amount of oil that can be extracted. However, TerraVault's sole focus will be the carbon storage.

The projects are expected to be operational by 2025, and TerraVault plans to expand to additional sites in the US and Canada. The company is also developing technology to monitor and verify the amount of carbon dioxide stored in the ground.

Wood and CMG sign MOU with Aim to Advance CCS Technology

Oilfield service company Wood and Canadian software company Computer Modelling Group (CMG) have joined forces to develop carbon capture and storage solutions. The partnership will bring together CMG's expertise in simulation software and Wood's experience in engineering and designing CCS projects.

The companies aim to improve the efficiency and accuracy of CCS projects, which are critical to reducing carbon emissions and meeting climate targets. The partnership will focus on developing software tools that simulate the behavior of CO2 in storage reservoirs, which can help optimize the design and operation of CCS projects. The tools will also aid in predicting the long-term behavior of stored CO2 to ensure that it remains safely contained.

According to the International Energy Agency, CCS is expected to play a crucial role in limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the target set by the Paris Agreement. However, the technology faces challenges such as high costs and public opposition, which the partnership aims to address through their collaboration.

Drilling to Start by May for First Geothermal, CCS Data-Collection Well in West Virginia

West Virginia University (WVU) has announced that the date for the drilling of the first geothermal carbon capture and storage data collection well in the Appalachian Basin has been set for June 2023. Geothermal energy is generated by harnessing the heat produced by the earth's core, and it is considered to be a renewable and sustainable form of energy. The use of geothermal energy for carbon capture and storage has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide an alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

The project is part of a collaborative effort with the US Department of Energy to develop and implement technologies for carbon capture, utilization, and storage.

The data collected from the well will be used to study the feasibility of using geothermal resources as a form of clean energy, while also exploring the potential for carbon capture and storage in the Appalachian Basin. The drilling will be done by the National Energy Technology Laboratory, with WVU researchers analyzing the data collected.

South Pole and Mitsubishi Starts New Carbon Removal Credit Purchase Program

Mitsubishi Corporation and South Pole, a climate solutions provider, have launched a platform that will enable buyers to purchase carbon removal credits generated by nature-based solutions. The platform, called MC Carbon Removal Platform, aims to offer a solution to companies that struggle to meet their carbon neutrality targets by providing them with high-quality carbon credits that contribute to climate mitigation efforts.

The platform will use carbon removal technologies such as afforestation, reforestation, and soil carbon sequestration to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The credits generated will be verified by third-party organizations to ensure their integrity, and the platform will also incorporate social and environmental co-benefits in its assessment of projects.

The MC Carbon Removal Platform is expected to support sustainable development and livelihoods in local communities by creating new jobs and income streams. The platform is also expected to promote biodiversity conservation and enhance the resilience of ecosystems.

The platform's launch comes at a critical time, as companies are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to climate action. Carbon removal technologies offer a promising solution to the challenge of achieving net-zero emissions, which has become a key objective for many companies.

The MC Carbon Removal Platform is one of several initiatives aimed at accelerating the adoption of nature-based solutions to address the climate crisis. As such, it is expected to play a significant role in promoting a sustainable and resilient future for all.

Air Liquide signed MOU with Holcim for a Carbon Capture

  • Air Liquide has signed a MOU with Holcim to supply and operate a Cryocap Oxy carbon capture project for the Obourg cement plant.
  • They aim to achieve 95% of CO2 generation from the new production line will be captured and then transported through Antwerp@C export terminal for under-sea sequestration.
  • The partners applied for the EU Innovation Fund in order to support the project.

FuelCell Energy Inc to provide technical for ExxonMobil's Carbon Capture facility

  • FuelCell Energy Inc has received an order from ExxonMobil for long-lead fuel cell stack module equipment an engineering support needed to develop a potential demonstration of modular point source carbon capture at an ExxonMobil facility.
  • The commercial demonstration project is anticipated to be a full scale prototype of the modules used in large-scale systems for industrial and commercial point source carbon capture applications.
  • The modules will use carbonate fuel cells to efficiently capture and concentrate carbon dioxide streams. Combustion exhaust from an external source, like a flue stream, will be directed to the fuel cell, which electrochemically reacts fuel and air to produce power, while capturing and concentrating carbon dioxide for utilization or permanent storage. The modular design enables the technology to be deployed at a wide range of locations, operate at high efficiency, and advance business goals at hard-to-decarbonize industrial and commercial applications.

Imperial Oil aims to start Cold Lake carbon capture project before 2030

  • Imperial Oil Ltd might start their carbon capture project in Cold Lake before 2030- well before the completion of a massive carbon capture and storage transportation line that has been proposed for the Canadian oilsands.
  • Imperial is a member of the Pathways Alliance, a consortium of oilsands companies that has committed to spend $16.5billion on a massive carbon capture and storage .
  • The project is the centerpiece of the oilsands majors' joint commitment to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from production by 2050. It would involve the construction of a 400-kilometre pipeline that would transport captured CO2 from more than 20 oilsands facilities and move it to a proposed hub in the Cold Lake area of Alberta for safe underground storage. The said pipeline will also be available to other industries in the region interested in capturing and storing CO2.

Schaper Energy Consulting is a professional engineering firm offering carbon strategy services to CCS site developers. Check out some examples of our projects here:

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We hope you enjoyed reading this week and hope to see you back next week for more!

Schaper Energy Consulting

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